Credit card is a small Plastic Card which is given by a credit card issuer to an individual. Credit cards are quite popular and most people often having several credit cards with them. The idea of credit is essentially a good one for those people who like to purchase things, but may not have the cash amount available with them at that time. The credit facility serves them in such times and they can repay the amount later, in a manner and amount that suits them – either by repaying the entire amount or by paying it in small chunks.
However, one must know that credit cards charge a very high interest rate for the service that they are providing. And depending upon the tendency of the individual towards spending when he / she do not have the money, having a credit card may often turn out to be a curse, rather than a boon.
It has become quite common to come across individuals who have had several credit cards with high credit limits who are now in debt because of spending all the money available on these cards.
The credit card issuing companies have also come under a lot of criticism for inducing individuals to taking their credit cards, because they lure these potential customers by offering those different facilities and higher credit limits.
Apart from the risk of overspending and getting into debt, credit cards are often at risk of fraud. Nowadays there are several unscrupulous people who collect credit card numbers (either by copying the details during an actual transaction or by stealing them from the Internet website databases). These fraudsters then make purchases by using these details and suddenly the credit card holder gets a statement which has transactions which he has not done.
This creates a lot of problems for the card issuing companies as they have to spend time and resources to trace and verify the fraudulent activity and then ensure that the customer does not have to bear the brunt for those fraudulent transactions. This often takes some time, and meanwhile the customer can get quite hassled about making payments.
Many Banks Issue Credit Card like HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank, HSBC Bank, City Bank, Standard Chartered Bank, ABN Amro Bank and More Indian Banks provide you Credit Card Facility for your best Credit.
However, one must know that credit cards charge a very high interest rate for the service that they are providing. And depending upon the tendency of the individual towards spending when he / she do not have the money, having a credit card may often turn out to be a curse, rather than a boon.
It has become quite common to come across individuals who have had several credit cards with high credit limits who are now in debt because of spending all the money available on these cards.
The credit card issuing companies have also come under a lot of criticism for inducing individuals to taking their credit cards, because they lure these potential customers by offering those different facilities and higher credit limits.
Apart from the risk of overspending and getting into debt, credit cards are often at risk of fraud. Nowadays there are several unscrupulous people who collect credit card numbers (either by copying the details during an actual transaction or by stealing them from the Internet website databases). These fraudsters then make purchases by using these details and suddenly the credit card holder gets a statement which has transactions which he has not done.
This creates a lot of problems for the card issuing companies as they have to spend time and resources to trace and verify the fraudulent activity and then ensure that the customer does not have to bear the brunt for those fraudulent transactions. This often takes some time, and meanwhile the customer can get quite hassled about making payments.
Many Banks Issue Credit Card like HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank, HSBC Bank, City Bank, Standard Chartered Bank, ABN Amro Bank and More Indian Banks provide you Credit Card Facility for your best Credit.
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